Morrowind set carry weight

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Has anyone considered 'backpacks' of holding? It could just expand your inventory as a whole. (says the one who can't script at all)Īnd i would DEFINITELY be interested in knowing if someone wanted to make such a mod.

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sadly, calculating the weight reduction would be a difficult thing to script. A bag could use the same type of principle in a script for a normal bag and use that as a bag of holding. You select it from the ground and get a dialog box which would ask if you wanted to create spells or pick the book up. It was a book for wizards which let you 'spellmake' on your own. Or you could take the approach used by Tome of Anceint Knowledge. (Now where's a sophisticated modder when you need one.) Past that, you have a sort of 'bag of holding'.

for those who feel it is unbalancing, attach a magicka penalty for the items. activating it (by dragging it to your character) would open the container for remote access.

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a clunky way to do it would be to have a crate hidden 'floating' (about 10000 miles up.) so noone can EVER reach it, and then a 'talisman' of some sort.